From Far

To Table

We believe the way to the heart of any culture is through its food. As the late Anthony Bourdain used to say, meals make the society. Indeed, food brings down walls. Let's build a longer table, not a taller fence. We need responsible food travel today more than ever.

We hope to inspire you to eat your way beyond your comfort zone when traveling. Find out how to mix street food and mom'n'pop joints with gourmet and Michelin star restaurants to get a full picture of every cuisine. And to stay largely meatless and sustainable in the process.

Welcome to the community of discerning yet adventurous mindful food travelers who care about cultures, cuisines and the planet. Yes, you CAN be a conscious connoisseur. Bon appetit et bon voyage!

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“Food is everything we are. Itā€™s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your region, your tribe, your grandma. Itā€™s inseparable.” Anthony Bourdain

What's The Secret Food Travel Sauce?

Make the most of every meal on every trip! Join other travelers to get the latest foodie travel tips and insider knowledge!

What's The Secret Food Travel Sauce?

Make the most of every meal on every trip! Join other travelers to get the latest foodie travel tips and insider knowledge!