So much of who we are is where we have been. And what we have eaten. I'm here to help you make the most of every meal on every trip.
Around the World in 80 Flavors started during my solo trip to India. I was overwhelmed by all the incredible new flavors and I could barely tell my Pav Bhaji from my Vada Pav. I began posting images of what I was eating on Instagram to keep track of it all.
It's been more than 80 new flavors since then. And a deep personal journey from an introverted solo traveler who would eat alone on a park bench to a curious food explorer open to sharing a meal with strangers. First at the table, then gradually on the vast world wide web. Thank you for stopping by!
I genuinely believe the way to the heart of any culture is through its cuisine. Food is the answer to a lot more than we give it credit for. And yes, Anthony Bourdain is forever my icon.
I hope to inspire you to eat your way beyond your comfort zone. When traveling - or perhaps to try new flavors in your own city or kitchen. Sometimes a trip to an unfamiliar neighborhood can be just as exciting of a culinary adventure!
Bon voyage & bon appetit,

“Your body is not a temple. It’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” – Anthony Bourdain
You don’t always have to agree with your idol… I happen to believe you can explore local cuisines while keeping it largely wholesome, healthy and sustainable. You can respect both local traditions AND the planet. (And your body, while you’re at it).
While at home I eat almost exclusively plant based foods (heck, I cofounded the world’s first vegan hotel collection!), I do not think that going vegan is the one size fits all and fix all solution. The food conversation today is incredibly nuanced.
One thing we can all agree on is that we need to find more connection to what’s on our plates, and eat more natural plant rich foods made with local, seasonal ingredients.
During my travels across 6 continents I have made it my mission to discover the best of each cuisine while mostly cutting out junk food and meat-heavy dishes. Sometimes it’s vegan, sometimes vegetarian, sometimes pescatarian, sometimes the broth will be meat based… You get the gist.
Labels don’t really matter. It’s always delicious, made with love and – most importantly – LOCAL. All you can eat steak in Vegas? Nope. Falafel in Japan? No thanks. You’ll find me somewhere in between.
It’s the kind of compromise anyone can subscribe to. When traveling and beyond.
Small mindful steps for the planet, while getting to know her incredible flavors and the stories of the people behind them. That’s my humble recipe for responsible food travel. Honored to have you join me on the journey!